Olio dei Papi is a product accredited by the supplier register of the Holy See
(Vatican City).

About us

About us

Our project was born from the love of roots and land.

Starting from the story of the elders of lower Lazio who said that the popes preferred and consumed the oil of these lands, an in-depth study and a historical study emerged which confirms the stories handed down.
The popes loved our oil to the point of developing an incentive plan to increase olive cultivation south of the papal state.

The history

The Olio dei Papi brand has a strong historical and territorial connotation. In truth, it develops from an important historiographical research work, from which it emerged that, thanks to papal incentive plan, today the olive tree is certainly the most cultivated tree species in the province of Frosinone and Pontine Hills.

Thanks to the historical data in our possession, we can understand how, before the important papal reforms, the cultivation of olive tree in the aforementioned areas was extremely linked to satisfying the personal needs of individual farmers or feudal lords. In practice, the “motu proprio” of Pius VI of 21 April 1778 was the drive to the cultivation of olive tree and the commitment to the qualitative improvement of the olive oil.

The Territory

The municipalities of Ciociaria and Agro Pontino
where the Oil of the Popes began

The Oil

The OLIO DEI PAPI, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, is obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.
Cold extracted from olives grown Pontine Marshes and Frosinone area, carefully selected and pressed fresh after harvesting by hand.
Obtained from the fruits of the centuries-old olive trees of our lands, it is the expression of our culture that enhances traditions, values, passion for the territory.


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Write to us or call us on the toll-free number 800.866.120


Food quality and safety are a fundamental criterion for us. 100% Italian product.